PNUT KinetiCore is designed to ensure protection and provide maximum comfort, whether children are riding in a bike seat, bike cart or cargo bike.
helmet with EZ-fit system, which automatically adapts to the head, making the helmet easy and quick to put on.
The helmet straps fasten under the ear to avoid trapping the skin in the case of fastening the helmet under the chin.
Wider coverage of the temples and crown to the child was protected while exploring the world.
The back of the helmet is flat so that the child can sit comfortably in a bicycle seat or in a wheelchair and it is also adapted to wear a braid.
The helmet also includes a mesh in the front part, which protects against insects.
the helmet is compatible with the universal LAZER LED light (3721087).
Fit system: EZ-fit system
Construction: In-Mold
Ventilation: 12 holes
Weight: 250g
Sizes: Uni (46-50cm)
< br/>The new KinetiCore technology protects children not only from direct but also rotational impact thanks to a unique block made of EPS foam, the so-called controlled deformation zones that deform on impact and absorb energy that would otherwise hit the cyclist's brain.< br />KinetiCore is built directly into the construction of the helmet, not added to it, making the new helmets lighter and with better ventilation. Also, less plastic (compared to previous models) and less EPS foam were used in their production, reducing the carbon footprint of LAZER helmets.
30-day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the helmet .
Crash replacement program – discount on the purchase of a new helmet in case of damage during a fall within 1 year of the purchase of the helmet.
Additional information
Category: | MTB |
Style: | Universal |
Specification: | InMold |
Set for: | Kids |
Technology: | KinetiCore |
Color 1: | Black |
Color 2: | Orange |
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27,18 €
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